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How Chat GPT came out of the blue to be the most talked about thing on the internet...


You're currently reading my 73rd edition of Growing Viral. 73 weeks on the bounce, never missed a week - crazy. 

You know, sometimes I question if the 219+ hours I've put into this have really been worth it. But then last Sunday I went to a little family meetup with a bunch of our extended family and...

  • Nobody was asking about the business I have built.

  • Nobody wanted to chat about my time in the states.

Yet 4 or 5 family members mentioned how they loved my Fortnum & Mason article I'd sent out that morning. 

It reminded me of two things:

  1. Sometimes the coolest thing you do isn't the one you get paid most for.

  2. Long-form content allows for a connection like no over.

Anyway, let's get into this week's newsletter. 

I've got a cracker for you about something that everyone is talking about.

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Breaking Down The Strategy

All everyone is talking about right now is Chat GPT. 

Is it going to replace copywriters?Is it going to replace Google?How does it work? Is AI going to take over? 

Everyone is talking about it on Twitter, everyone is talking about it on LinkedIn, even my family were all talking about it at the gathering. 

It's well and truly everywhere.

For those of you living under a rock, Chat GPT is a prototype artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI which specializes in dialogue.

Essentially, you type a prompt into the chatbot and it will do whatever you ask it. Literally, the results are crazy!

For example, see the prompt I asked it below and the tweet this AI pulled out of thin air. 

If you've never tried it, here's the link: Chat GPT

Now, let's get back to the marketing because that's what you're here for.

We all know that Chat GPT is an awesome new emergence, but the question I had from a marketing standpoint is: How did Chat GPT go from being something no one had ever heard of to a the hottest thing online? 

Well, I did the research, had a good ole' brainstorm and came up with 3 key things that are at play here:

1) The best marketing comes from great products.

There is one main reason that Chat GPT is going viral all over socials and that's because Chat GPT is amazing. Like genuinely mindblowing. 

Too many marketing teams spend their whole lives trying to pull magic out of thin air. But the truth is, if your product is shit, chances are no one will ever care about it. 

That's why I always say - the best marketing comes from great products. 

You can spend the next year trying to make a bad product get this sort of traction on social - chances are you'll fail. 

Your time would be better spent: further developing your product, adding new relevant features and then going ahead and shouting about them. 

2) Earned media comes easy when you gift social currency. 

The virality of Chat GPT didn't come from Open AI (the creators) social accounts. It came from other people sharing themselves using Chat GPT. But how did Open AI convince millions of people to share screenshots of their product?

Well, honestly it's probably slightly by chance due to the product they're working with. 

By using Chat GPT (and sharing that they were using it) it gave people a chance to "flex" how ahead of the times and on top of new trends they are. 

You don't catch people posting their latest newspaper ad they ran and that's because it makes them look like they are behind the times. 

With Chat GPT it's the opposite effect. Sharing the product is like free social currency and a great showcase of how hip and on the front line of innovation you are. 

3) It's so damn easy to share. 

Did you see how easy it was for me to share that screenshot above? I was able to showcase the whole of Chat GPT's abilities in a tiny little photo - and that isn't by mistake. 

Open AI knew they had an amazing product, but it couldn't catch the steam it has if people weren't able to share it efficiently. 

There were 1 million and 1 ways they could have overcomplicated their UI and probably make the product look a tad better from the design perspective, but instead, they made it so simple that virtually anyone can see a quick screenshot on Twitter and get a gist of what is going on. 

That simple choice allowed millions of people to show themselves using the app all across socials. 

And when you combine the 3 of those together...

Great product + Frictionless sharing + Incentive to share 

You get this crazy viral storm that Chat GPT has had which has led to:

  • The app going from 0 โ†’ 1M users in 6 days.

  • Open AI gaining 100k+ Twitter followers in a matter of days.

  • It becoming the talk of my family gathering (biggest achievement).

So there we have it, the genius behind Chat GPT's growth explained. 

But how can you do the same?

1) Stop focusing on trying to make a bad product marketable. Instead, spend your time making your product great - then market it.  

2) Give people incentives to talk about your product and share your work. 

3) Make talking about you or sharing you on socials as frictionless as possible. A prime example of this is the 3 buttons a the top of this email (see screenshot example below). It allows you to share this newsletter to your socials with 1 click. It's frictionless. 

That's all for now!

Have you tried Chat GPT yet? Let me know if you're excited about using it or if you think it's a fad.

Oh and btw Chat GPT literally came up with the title for this newsletter.

I'll see you all next week. 

โ€” Niall

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This has been a breakdown of marketing strategy. I hope you have learned something and can implement a similar strategy in your business!

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