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Welcome to Growing Viral,
I’m Niall. Over the last 3 years, I have spent nearly every waking hour working with businesses and influencers to take them out of the shadows and into the spotlight.
During this time there were many regular occurrences between the founders and directors I worked with. None more prominent than their lack of knowledge on marketing strategies. I would always reassure my clients and say “Well, that’s why I’m here to bring you that marketing knowledge.” But, at the end of the day, there is only a certain amount of businesses marketing woes I can solve.
When the pandemic hit, this fact slapped me square in the face; “There are only a certain amount of businesses I can help”. I watched local shops crumble, family business go under and commerce in my small home town diminish. A thought ran clear in my head, what I was doing; wasn’t enough.
A number of months and many late nights later, you find yourself reading the solution. Growing Viral.
What is Growing Viral?
Growing Viral is the solution to your marketing problems. It’s a weekly newsletter that shows you how “the big boys” market and how you can do the same.
Every week I’ll be breaking down the best marketing strategies and tactics used by multi-billion dollar companies and showing you how to implement them effectively.
What will you get as a subscriber?
Value. You’re going to get some of the most valuable information for growing your brand or business right in your inbox. Not just a brief overview of a marketing strategy. This is: What they do. How they do it. Why they do it. How you can implement it. It’s concise, informative and effective.
This isn’t about me, it’s about you!
My goal here is to change lives. Change your life. So remember, Growing Viral is for you. So make sure you’re getting what you want from it. Tell me what you’re loving and tell me what you want to see more of. Most importantly make sure to tell your friends, family and business partners about Growing Viral.